November 15, 2008

In this recession, don't go to McDonald's

Poor people have poor eating habits.

In these recessional times, don't make your health poor as you try to save money.

Already McDonald's has seen a jump in revenues as we ditched the $8 seared tuna for the $2 scorched hamburger.

But you can fatten your wallet without fattening your waistline.

Here's some tips:

Making coffee at home instead of buying it every day.
Brown-bagging it can cut your daily lunch tab in half.
Eat everything in your pantry before going shopping.
Visit your farmer's market or roadside stand. (Many are still open in the fall and winter).
Switch to tap water.
Reduce your meat portion size.
Buy popcorn instead of chips.

And here's a lot more from the Casual Kitchen blog:

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