November 28, 2007

Oversized Portions? Blame the Chef

The NY Times blog, Well by Tara Parker-Pope, reports:
Researchers at Clemson University recently surveyed 300 chefs about what goes into their decisions about portion sizes and the food they serve diners. The study, published in the August issue of Obesity, found big differences between what chefs consider a regular portion compared to the standard serving sizes dictated by the United States Department of Agriculture. When chefs were asked to estimate a typical portion size of penne pasta served in their restaurant, for instance, half of the chefs suggested portions that are six to eight times larger than the U.S.D.A.’s standard 1-ounce serving. Nearly half the chefs said they normally serve 12-ounce steaks in their restaurants, although the U.S.D.A. says daily meat intake shouldn’t exceed 5.5 ounces.
You don't need the NY Times or the magazine, Obesity, to tell you that restaurants serve too big of portions. What we need is some way to stop them. How would you get restaurants to serve smaller portions at appropriate prices?