June 22, 2007

Mothers stick heads in sand, kids suffer

From the PR Newswire:

Despite eating habits that include consuming fast food at least once a week and turning to junk food in times of stress, an overwhelming majority of American mothers are not concerned with their child's weight finds a new poll from Woman's Day Magazine and AOL Food.

According to the findings, 36% stated they eat fast food at least once a week, with 16% stating they consume it two or more times a week.

Despite these poor eating choices, a surprising 79% are not concerned with their children's weight. The poll, which surveyed over 2,500 American women, provides insight into the eating habits and concerns of American women. The complete findings are highlighted in the June 19 issue of Woman's Day magazine

When examining the cost of eating healthy, 80% stated they believed eating healthier would be easier if cost weren't an issue; yet 85% stated their actual eating habits were not influenced at all or only a little by the cost.

Other key findings include:
  • 43% admit to only sticking to a diet for a week before cheating
  • 32% eat something they regret later almost every single day
  • Only 21% say they've never really dieted
  • 50% often skip at least one major meal and graze throughout the day
  • Despite nutritionists suggestions that diners ask for reduced portions when eating out, only 17% have asked their waiter for a smaller portion

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